Karis Rogerson


Karis Rogerson is an NYC transplant from South Carolina, Italy, Germany or Kentucky, depending on her mood and the depth of your conversation. She reads and writes about relationships, mental health and books, preferably young adult ones, which she is unequivocally obsessed with. Plus, she adores binge-watching CW shows, thinks Olivia Benson is the most badass, and has lots of feelings about, well, everything. Someday, she hopes you’ll read her own novels. 

Karis Rogerson Articles

The Hardest Part Of My Depression Is Knowing That It Will Come Back

Here’s the thing about depression: it cycles. Even when I’m on medication, going to therapy and doing everything I’m able to do in order to stay healthy and keep it at bay, it bleeds in and out of my soul.

If you have to lower your standards to win, you’re not really winning.

Why I Talk About My Virginity On First Dates

Here’s the thing about faking it: eventually, the truth comes out, or someone gets hurt. So I'm going to talk about my virginity on first dates!

Whether you want them to or not, whether you're ready or not, chapters come to a close.

It's OK To Be Sad And Happy At The Same Time

It's ok to be sad and happy at the same time. I think that’s the beauty of life — how unpredictable it is and how adaptable we are as humans.


An Interview With Lana Popovic, Author Of Wicked Like A Wildfire

Wicked Like a Wildfire, the debut young adult novel by literary agent Lana Popovic, is a book that seems created just to fit the description “atmospheric.”


Stop Questioning Emotional Abuse — Victims Of It Do That Enough On Their Own

Am I misrepresenting? Am I misunderstanding? Am I misremembering?

Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash

How Other People's Kids Help With My Depression 

When I held Baby J for the first time, everything shuffled into place. For the kids, I see every reason to breathe. They love me. I don’t know why.


Jennifer Mathieu: English Teacher, Author of Moxie

Jennifer Mathieu has spent much of her life pouring into the lives of teenagers, both through her day job as a teacher and through the four books.

 There’s a reason I turn to Friends when I get depressed. Ok, I lied, there are several reasons.

I Turn To The TV Show Friends When I'm Depressed 

There’s a reason I turn to Friends when I get depressed. Ok, I lied, there are several reasons.
