Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

After The Attacks In Orlando, Here's How You Can Actually Help

After The Attacks In Orlando, Here Is How You Can Actually Help

 Cozy on up to a bottle of pumpkin spice vodka and let all your fall fantasies come true.

Pumpkin Spice Vodka Has Arrived And I Am Here For It

Friends, I would like to announce that we have reached Peak Fall. How do I know this? Because I have discovered that there is pumpkin spice flavored vodka.


OK, But Which Candidate Is Going To Tell Us About Area 51?!

The truth is out there, and only one presidential candidate wants you to know what it is. And that candidate is Hillary Clinton!

"While the Geneva location has a set opening date, Charvet may have his work cut out for him in getting the the London location up and running." Image: Unsplash, Jacob Rank

Where Can You Get Coffee, Pastries, And... Blow Jobs?

So, you’re on your way to work. You’re dragging and want a little pick-me-up before you hit the office.

(Image Credit: Instagram/treacherousswify)

Trump, Paul Manafort & The Guy Who Tried To Grab Taylor Swift Are Having A Bad Week

Probably the person having the worst week in the U.S. is the guy who tried to grab a handful of Taylor Swift.

Another move forward for LGBTQ non-discrimination.

#RavsRadar: Another Step Forward For LGBTQ Workplace Protections

For a long time, one of the central flaws in civil rights for the LGBT community has been a lack of employment protections.


The Egg White Alternative Hiding In Your Pantry

Attention: vegans, friends with food allergies, and people who love to eat raw batter! You are about to have the best weekend ever!

A new friend for a new generation of kids. (Image Credit: Instagram/@sesamestreet)

World, Meet Julia: Sesame Street Introduces New Character With Autism

Over the years, Sesame Street has been a pioneer in holding up a mirror to the lived experiences of children and giving them a friendly re


The Awesome New Nursery Rhyme For Sexually-Frustrated Parents

There are bedtime stories, and then there are bed time stories. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge — know what I mean?


This Outrage At Old Navy's Twitter Is Just... *Eyeroll*

Yesterday, Old Navy sent out a tweet to alert us all to a sale. Woohoo! Cheap summer clothes! Everyone likes cheap clothes! Right?
