Winona Dimeo-Ediger

Winona Dimeo-Ediger


Winona Dimeo-Ediger is a blogger, author, and banjo enthusiast based in Nashville, Tennessee. Follow her on Instagram @winonarose.

Winona Dimeo-Ediger Articles


A Love Letter To My Curvy Dance Instructor

When I felt a familiar wave of insecurity creeping up and threatening to mute my movements, I looked to you for inspiration, and I danced even bigger.


Off The Cuff: Help Me Find Wedding Attire I Don’t Hate

I’ve always hated shopping for dresses in general (I’m seriously supposed to track down one garment that fits properly on my chest, waist, arms, and hips simultaneously?), and finding the right thing to wear to a wedding is always tricky (do they really mean casual?).


Off The Cuff: Minimizing Cleavage At Work

"While ample cleavage comes in handy for filling out sundresses and storing cracker crumbs for later, it presents a professional dressing challenge that’s annoying and a little unfair ... "

Ugly chair. Possible sex chair.

The 10 Emotional Stages Of Buying A Chair On Craigslist

Will you ever find a chair you like? Are there any good chairs left in this world? Why are so many people in your neighborhood attempting to sell “lightly used” sex chairs? What is a sex chair?

Credit: Thinkstock

5 Easy Ways To Cure Frumpiness  

Suffering from a severe case of the frumps? Not anymore.

Yoga Sinner

10 Surefire Ways To Sin During Yoga

According to a retired Catholic bishop in Nebraska (always a good source of thoughtful, practical life tips), practicing yoga is not just a great way to relieve stress, find contentment, build strength, and make friends — it’s also “an occasion of serious sin.”


How Can I Go From Punk To Pinup? 

Our resident aesthetic ace offers fashion advice to a "professorial punk femme."

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.


Inner Monologue: Should I Buy These Ugly-Cute Shoes?

Oh my god check out those shoes. Those are uuuuugly! They look like a lizard swallowed a horse hoof and then molted. Not cute


Signs You Might Be An Entitled Millennial Who's Ruining Everything

Basically, if you took a map of the world and put red pushpins wherever something terrible was happening, you’d find a millennial directly in the center, snapchatting.
