Caroline Dooner

Caroline Dooner


Caroline Dooner is writer, performer, and creator of The Fuck It Diet. She is a normal eating expert and wants women to start taking up space and speaking up. Follow her on Instagram.

Caroline Dooner Articles

I will be.

Why I Will No Longer Feel Ashamed For Having A Body!

For years I felt ashamed for having a body. Embarrassed to have big boobs. Embarrassed to be anything but tiny and perfect. Embarrassed to be anything bigger than a dainty wisp of air. I felt like taking up physical space in this world was both vulnerable and too powerful.

Be you, no diet necessary.

The Diet Identity: Why You Should Lose Your Relationship To Your Weight 

It’s really hard to exist in this culture as a woman who does not talk about or complain about weight. Why? Because we are so conditioned and used to talking about weight that it is a big shift to leave it behind.

I’d rather spend my time doing a million other things.

SMH: Apparently I Need To Learn How To Cook If I Want To Get Married

I’d rather do anything than talk to cab drivers (or hair dressers, or bus seat mates or… anyone). I hate small talk. I put in my earbuds and I give short polite answers when necessary.

"Stop waiting. Go be awesome."

The Not Skinny Enough Excuse: Why Do We Wait For Happiness Until We Are Skinny?  

So many of us are waiting until we're skinnier. We're putting off dreams, big plans, and just plain old feeling good about ourselves until an elusive, future day when we think we will finally deserve what we want. Do you do this?

Kale's great and all, but...

Diet Gurus Don't Know What Your Body Needs But Your Body Does

How many diets are out there? How many of them are backed by doctors and gurus who claim they know “the most natural way to eat” or “the fastest way to burn fat and never gain it back!” or “the most definite way to never be hungry again, become beautiful, have everyone love you, and have all your dreams come true!”? So many.

You're a human, not a yo-yo.

Why Yo-Yo Dieting Isn't Working For You

So many of us try to stick to diets, only to find ourselves bingeing, then restricting more, then bingeing again, then restricting more, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Our weight is all over the place, our sanity is all over the place, and we feel totally out of control with food.

We currently operate under the assumption that eating less, restricting food choices, and constantly micromanaging our intake are all healthy, normal activities.

What Diet Companies Don't Want You To Know: Diets Don't Work

The truth is, your body does not want you to restrict your food, and it does not want you to lose weight, especially when it feels like food is scarce. So, your body will sabotage your efforts almost every time — while also making it harder and harder to lose weight the more 'famines' you put it through.

This won't be your last pie. Trust us.

How To Come To Terms With Holiday Binge Eating Without Guilt

It’s that time of year when everyone is obsessed with not eating too much food. It’s like a cultural rite of passage: Will you complain about how much food you’re eating this holiday? Will you discuss how bad you’ve been and how you plan on repenting come January 1st?

Eat the ice cream and don't look back!

Why You Can't Do Away With Food Cravings #DitchTheDiet2016

We are taught that cravings equal unhealthy and no cravings equal healthy. But guess what? I am here to tell you that you will never get rid of your cravings, and that it’s fully OK!

The patriarchy has devalued nearly everything associated with femininity and over-valued nearly everything associated with masculinity.

Why We Fear The Feminine… And How To Stop

I have a confession: Until recently, I didn’t even know what “patriarchal society” meant. Yeah, I’m one of those feminists who grew up believing I didn’t need feminism.
