Each week, we explore Hillary Clinton's universe, gleaning insights from rumor-mongers, pundits, pollsters, political writers and more. Yes, the election is still a bazillion years away, but when it comes to the story of the potential first female president ever (!!), it's never too early to start the conversation.
Is Hills Too Ancient to Run?
The Wall Street Journal has speculated that Hills may be too granny-ish for the highest office of the land. Indeed, by election day 2016, she will be 69 (stop snickering!), which would make her just barely younger than the oldest prez ever, Ronald Reagan.
Of course, there are always concerns about age when elections are on the horizon—remember when grandpa McCain ran?—but we have to point out the edge of being a female here. Women who live to be 65 will go on to live, on average, to the ripe old age of 86 (vs. a still-impressive 84 for men). This means Hillary would likely have eight years to govern and then some should she be elected. And might we add she's looking mighty healthy in her progressing age?
People Want Hillary to be President Because She's a Woman
Interesting. Rather than gender being an impediment, it seems Hillary's womanhood is an asset. In a new Gallup survey, 18 percent of Americans cited her gender as the top reason to pick her, trumping the next-highest reason of experience.
The good news: finally (finally!) a lot of people are truly clamoring for a female to shatter that glass ceiling and lead the free world, while recognizing the smarts a lady can bring to the table. The bad news: the perception this will foster among some that people only want her to be president for history-making purposes—a la the "Obama was only elected because he's black!" nonsense. Also, let's not forget that this poll does not mean sexism has kicked the bucket. Alas.
Stupid Coverage of the Week: Hillary is Like Divergent's Villain!
The Daily Beast has made the bold claim that Kate Winslet's villainous character in the new movie Divergent is annoyingly similar to Hillary Clinton. We kinda get the point that powerful female leaders are oft depicted as villains, but 1) we're OK with ladies being baddies, and 2) the connection between the Divergent character and Hills is, at best, tenuous. They're the same because...they both have short hair and wear pantsuits? Weak.
Cool Pics of the Week: Hillary in her Youth!
These pics of Hillary in her college days are pretty awesome, in large part because she totally looks like the kind of dorky, goofy girl we'd want to be friends with. But why did The Washington Post feel the need to promote the pics with the stupidly sensationalized "Hillary Clinton Like You've Never Seen Her Before"? Ooh la la! Except not really.
The Lowdown
All in all, this was a typical week in Hillary-ville: some smackdowns, some glorified coverage, some sexism, some stupidity. Other things we didn't touch on but that are worth noting: Romney attacking Hillary (and Obama) in a speech, and Hillary continuing to turn up the heat on Putin.
Meanwhile, the Gallup survey shows she's still got steam, and there were no big scandals to speak of. But as we know, that could change tomorrow.
Stay tuned for all the dirty details in our next round-up!
Image: U.S. Department of State/Wikimedia Commons