As rumors about Kate Middleton being pregnant continue to swirl (nauseated yet?) who decidedly isn't with child . . . this man.
But despite, you know, the lack of tiny-someday-person inside him, this guy has opted to have a bunch of photographs captured to celebrate (his wife’s) pregnancy.
So what prompted this series of pictures—which range from a sun-lit pseudo silhouette to ice cream savagery and latent homosexual activity (a man kissing his pregnant beer belly)? According to the title of this masterful set of photographs: “My wife didn’t want to take maternity pictures, so I hired a photographer and took her place. . .”
We obviously wonder how Mila would feel. I mean, didn't she already state her societal psychological treatise on this shit via Jimmy Kimmel, urging all expectant fathers to stop saying “we are pregnant?” Sadly, penis-laden people of the world, you're not pregnant! "Do you have to squeeze a watermelon-sized person out of your lady-hole? No."
And Mila makes a valid point. One that probably can't be made enough. Because in addition to said watermelon-sized-person there's also the proverbial “lady-hole” issue, vomiting, stretch marks, constant peeing, caffeine/alcohol/raw cheese deprivation, and chronic fatigue that accompanies this whole miracle of life thing.
So what the hell do we make of this guy? Is he taking one for the uteral team by standing in for his wife who’s not interested in getting in front of the camera? Or is he using his spouse’s pregnancy for a Monty Python-worthy stunt as he continues to (we assume) drink and eat just about everything she can't?
Either way, it's twistedly entertaining. So while you decide where you stand, here he is in all his glory.