Molly Pennington

Molly Pennington


I’m a writer, a mentor, a speaker, a wife and a mother, and a lover of insight and whimsy. My default setting is perpetual cheer, but I don’t shy away from the wounds of the world. To me, nothing is more vital than social justice and I believe that perception and compassion are curative. I’m here to make the world a little less mean. Instead: smarter, brighter, better. You can find out more about me at

Molly Pennington Articles

Where's the vetting of Nick already? (Image Credit: YouTube/Entertainment Tonight)

Bachelor Review: Stuff To Normalize - Nick, Nannies For Grown-Ups, Reddi-Wip Coalitions

Josephine sang us out on Episode 3 with a self-styled show tune she performed for Nick.

Corinne doesn't like shoveling poop. Where's the controversy? (Image Credit: YouTube/Anna Marie)

Bachelor Review: Red State Roller Skate & Poop Scoop In Nick's Hometown

Based On Her Persona, If Corinne Were A Man, She'd Be The Next POTUS

The Women Tell All is basically a Corinne rally. (Image Credit: Instagram/bachelorabc)

Bachelor Review: 3 Hours Of 'Emotional Intelligence' Getting Its Butt (Mostly) Kicked

Time for "The Women Tell All" Which Usually Gets Its Own Episode, But Whatever, ABC, Let's Do This. This is actually a Corinne Rally. And it's pretty terrifying to see "Make America Corinne Again" hats and T-shirts and a bunch of "I LOVE RAQUEL" signs because . . . a reality show star is actually president right now. Remember? This is how it starts! And we don't need a bunch of additional political angst right now. Because if Corinne decides to run, you know they'll vote for her.
