cisgender men

When we conclude that “toxic masculinity” and “masculinity” are synonyms, we remove the ability for men to have a clear identity.

Creating A Non-Toxic Masculinity

We continue to see the damaging effects of toxic masculinity. What does non-toxic masculinity look like?

When it came to circumcision, there was a lot to be uncovered (pun intended). Image: Thinkstock.

Just Because My Husband Has A Penis Doesn't Mean He Gets To Decide If Our Son Will Be Circumcised

No matter what parents decide, what should NOT be up for debate is the importance of the decision and who gets to weigh in on it.

Penis power is solely limited to fertilizing eggs. And a fertilized egg is a fertilized egg — no less, no more. Image: Discarding Images/Tumblr.

Is Penis Worship At The Root Of The Bogus Notion Of Fetal Personhood?

[CN: gender essentialism, birth] Patriarchs, love your orgasms all you like, but don’t fall for the weirdly puffed-up idea that they make babies. Penis power is solely limited to fertilizing eggs. And a fertilized egg is a fertilized egg — no less, no more.
