Caroline Dooner

Caroline Dooner


Caroline Dooner is writer, performer, and creator of The Fuck It Diet. She is a normal eating expert and wants women to start taking up space and speaking up. Follow her on Instagram.

Caroline Dooner Articles

Looks like we lost another one to dieting.

Are Diets The New Religion?

Have you ever noticed how cultish fad diets can be? I didn’t, because I was in the cult. And cult members never think they are part of a cult. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that today’s diets may be filling the same human societal role that religions fill, and not in a good way.

It doesn't have to be this way...

You Probably Don't Know You Have Disordered Eating #DitchTheDiet2016

I never used to think my eating or weight fixation was that weird...I just thought I was a health nut.

You're a human, not a yo-yo.

Why Yo-Yo Dieting Isn't Working For You

So many of us try to stick to diets, only to find ourselves bingeing, then restricting more, then bingeing again, then restricting more, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Our weight is all over the place, our sanity is all over the place, and we feel totally out of control with food.

I’d rather spend my time doing a million other things.

SMH: Apparently I Need To Learn How To Cook If I Want To Get Married

I’d rather do anything than talk to cab drivers (or hair dressers, or bus seat mates or… anyone). I hate small talk. I put in my earbuds and I give short polite answers when necessary.

"Stop waiting. Go be awesome."

The Not Skinny Enough Excuse: Why Do We Wait For Happiness Until We Are Skinny?  

So many of us are waiting until we're skinnier. We're putting off dreams, big plans, and just plain old feeling good about ourselves until an elusive, future day when we think we will finally deserve what we want. Do you do this?

We're rooting for chocolate.

Is Food Addiction Real?

Do you feel like you have an addiction to food? Do you think about it all the time? Fixate on it? Crave it constantly? Feel like you have no control once you start? Do you just eat and eat and eat until you are stuffed and miserable?

There are plenty of fat people who are “healthy” and plenty of thin people who are incredibly “unhealthy.”

Why Losing Weight Isn't The Answer To All Your Health Woes

You can improve your health without losing weight!

We want to stuff it down, pretend everything is fine, and just NOT GO THERE.

How To Stop Numbing Your Emotions — And Start Feeling Them

But here is the secret I've learned from years of misery and failure: Food IS naturally comforting to us. And that is perfectly fine.

Food, TV, alcohol, exercise, rest, intimacy, and sex, are all perfectly acceptable, natural ways that we humans get comfort.

Only you can make a difference...

Shifting Focus: How To Honor Instead Of Shame Our Bodies

We haven’t quite escaped the influence of the Puritans yet...We still tend to regard our bodies, our eating, our desires, and anything else of this earth as “bad,” “weak,” or “sinful.”

You can love, accept, and appreciate yourself and your body now, independent of your weight.

7 Reasons Why "I Need To Lose Weight" Is A Damn Lie

I’ve heard this so many times: “Your talk of normal eating and body love is all good and fine — but I need to lose weight.” This is what I have to say to you: You don’t.
