Caroline Dooner

Caroline Dooner


Caroline Dooner is writer, performer, and creator of The Fuck It Diet. She is a normal eating expert and wants women to start taking up space and speaking up. Follow her on Instagram.

Caroline Dooner Articles

Other people’s actions? Other people’s opinions? Can’t do anything about it.

Why Our Need To Be In Control Fuels The Diet Mentality

I teach people how to eat normally after dieting. And across the board, the people I work with all describe themselves as “type A personalities” or “perfectionists.”

We want to stuff it down, pretend everything is fine, and just NOT GO THERE.

How To Stop Numbing Your Emotions — And Start Feeling Them

But here is the secret I've learned from years of misery and failure: Food IS naturally comforting to us. And that is perfectly fine.

Food, TV, alcohol, exercise, rest, intimacy, and sex, are all perfectly acceptable, natural ways that we humans get comfort.

The patriarchy has devalued nearly everything associated with femininity and over-valued nearly everything associated with masculinity.

Why We Fear The Feminine… And How To Stop

I have a confession: Until recently, I didn’t even know what “patriarchal society” meant. Yeah, I’m one of those feminists who grew up believing I didn’t need feminism.

There are plenty of fat people who are “healthy” and plenty of thin people who are incredibly “unhealthy.”

Why Losing Weight Isn't The Answer To All Your Health Woes

You can improve your health without losing weight!

You cannot tell someone’s health from their weight.

To The Fat-Haters: Health Is Not A Moral Issue

And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but people are really resistant to movements that aim to inspire people to drop the fight against weight. There are lots of fat-haters.

Don't be surprised when diets don't work forever.

14 Reasons Why Dieting Shouldn't Be Your Resolution #ditchthediet2016

Dieting is bad for your body, health, relationship with food, relationship with your body, metabolism, and really bad for natural weight stabilization. Of course we are not taught that. We are taught in so many ways that dieting works long-term (it doesn’t) and that losing weight is the simplest and easiest life enhancement we can pursue (it’s not).

"Stop waiting. Go be awesome."

The Not Skinny Enough Excuse: Why Do We Wait For Happiness Until We Are Skinny?  

So many of us are waiting until we're skinnier. We're putting off dreams, big plans, and just plain old feeling good about ourselves until an elusive, future day when we think we will finally deserve what we want. Do you do this?

Only you can make a difference...

Shifting Focus: How To Honor Instead Of Shame Our Bodies

We haven’t quite escaped the influence of the Puritans yet...We still tend to regard our bodies, our eating, our desires, and anything else of this earth as “bad,” “weak,” or “sinful.”

Frown if you gotta.

Don't Pretend To Be OK When You're Not

Pretending you’re OK when you're not is lying — lying to yourself. And it will keep you not OK.

Don't swipe right too many'll be sorry.

What I've Learned About Modern Dating: Facebook, Tinder, And Real Life

I am a heterosexual woman looking for a relationship with someone I am attracted to, has a sense of humor, and isn’t a serial killer or too depressive. Someone that hopefully doesn’t have children, lives within…three hours of me, doesn’t think that monogamy “just isn’t natural,” and wants to date me, maybe even forever. That’s basically all I am looking for.
