Carrie Saum


Carrie is an author, recipe creator, food lover, and feels super pumped about connecting people in her online community, With a great sense of humor, warmth, and vulnerability, Carrie brings genuine reality to the Internet, along with tasty food and slightly inappropriate jokes. After receiving her paramedic medical training, Carrie spent a decade abroad and in the U.S. in the non-profit medical sector, before venturing into the world of Ayurveda and integrated health in 2011.Carrie uses her skills mostly for good these days, and helps clients from all over the world meet their health goals. She loves spending time around the table with her young son, partner, family, and friends. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Carrie Saum Articles

You are not entitled to my emotional labor!

You Are Not Entitled To My Emotional Labor

I am not here for your betterment. I am not here to be your dumping ground for all of your thoughts and fears. You are not entitled to my emotional labor!

mushrooms 4ever

#RavsRecipes Spaghetti-Squash-Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

The first time I ate a mushroom at Gram's summertime table (with me sporting a full coverage one piece and neon shorts, and her in a ruffled pink bikini), it was raw. All I tasted was dirt. I swore off them forever. So, she made them for dinner.

Photo by Philippe Murray-Pietsch on Unsplash

Family Vacation Survival Guide

Summer is officially upon us, and with it comes epic family vacation plans sure to generate tales of your family’s (mis)adventures for years to come.

This quiche recipe comes with the added bonus of some quiche-making secrets. Enjoy!

#RavsRecipes: Quiche A La Spring

Quiche. It's a bit of a unicorn, isn't it? You chase the perfect texture, combination, flavors, and rise in hopes that it equals perfection.

It’s not sexy. It’s not dramatic. It’s not interesting. But it is meaningful and fulfilling, which is something that reality television will never ever be. (Photo by Andrew Robles on Unsplash)

Want To Be A Better Friend? 8 Tips To Help You Achieve Your BFF Goals

I know that our group of friends is special. But the specialness comes from some core values that I will share with you. I will give you fair warning: these are not for people who are interested in receiving. These eight guidelines are for people who are interested in building a community.

#RavsRecipes: Chicken Tortilla Soup

#RavsRecipes: Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup

I grew up in West Texas. When I was a small child, we left the lush, rainy beauty of the Pacific Northwest it made her way down to the dust bowl and flatlands of West Texas. It was traumatic, to say the least.

The Weight Watchers thing? Stop it. Sell your shares back. Image: Youtube.

Dear Oprah, Shut Up. #bread4ever

In February, you gave me that soul-punching gaze again and told me it's okay to eat bread while we obtain Our Best Bodies. You lost 26(!) pounds and you eat bread every damn day! I feel how miraculous this is for you because you've probably made bread evil, along with All The Carbs and fat on your body.

By the time I was 13, the message had come through loud and clear: Thinness was next to Godliness, and I could never achieve either without extraordinary means.

Purity Culture & Weight: Jesus Loves Skinny People​

By 13, I clearly understood: Thinness was next to Godliness, and I could never achieve either without extraordinary means. Jesus loves skinny people.

Whatever you decide to put on your body while you are swimming with your family, have fun with it. Image: Thinkstock.

The Mombod Swimsuit Guide

The Internet has told us that instead of selling our wild summer children to a band of traveling performers, we should go swimming with them instead. At a beach or at the pool, your choice. The Internet also told us that us moms should get over our silly body issues and just play! Have fun!
