Erin McKelle

Erin McKelle


Erin McKelle is a feminist blogger, social media consultant, and body positive fashionista who is currently living nomadically (i.e. traveling the world). She is originally from Cleveland, Ohio and has a BA from Ohio University. When she's not writing, you can usually find her whipping up a vegan dish in the kitchen, creating an art project, or reading a book in bed.

Erin McKelle Articles

Self-help: Not always hokey!

5 Self-Help Books That Are Actually Helpful

Many books in the self-help genre are either hokey or just plain scams. However, thanks to my perseverance and voracious reading, I've discovered there are self-help books out there that can transform your life and thinking in powerful ways and I’ve rounded up a list of my 5 all-time faves.

It's a process.

Why I Decided To Break Up With Diet Culture For Good #DitchTheDiet2016

I know it’s a lot more complicated than just one day declaring, “Fuck it, I’m done dieting!” Just like we can easily make resolutions for ourselves to lose weight, we can just as easily resolve to love our bodies as they are, and quietly fall flat on our goal.

Society would rather pretend that the word — and probably cunts themselves — don't exist. Image: Thinkstock.

Why I Think It's Important To Reclaim The Word 'C*nt'

That’s exactly the spirit that word should embody: someone who is loud, proud, and an advocate for themselves. Someone who stands out and is bold and beautiful for it. Someone who is unapologetically themselves.

Addiction to books? It's possible.

5 Helpful Tips For Overcoming Addiction

Here are a few ways you can do some inventory on your own behaviors and start dealing with addiction in a healing way.

I want to centralize women’s MMA and combat sports, as well as uplift everyone involved. (photo courtesy of the author)

Why I Started A Website To Empower Women in MMA

I decided to stop searching for an MMA platform that was going against these norms, since one did not exist, and create it myself.

Photo by Geoffrey Arduini on Unsplash

I Woke Up At 6 AM For A Week & Here's What Happened

I decided to experiment. I would set my alarm and get up at 6 AM (or earlier) for seven days straight, no matter what.

Average life events evoke extreme anxiety and deep, internal sadness that most will never understand.

10 Things People With Bipolar Disorder Want You To Know

I’m ready to demystify the stereotypes and break down the stigma of bipolar disorder.


Robin McGraw's Digital Innovation To Prevent Domestic Violence

Although it’s only been in the past year or so that I’ve developed a burning passion for psychology, I’ve always been fascinated by

Spent the morning by the pool in this number...

7 Reasons You Need To Go On Vacation — NOW!

If you're one of those people who has 100,000 excuses as to why you can't take a vacation, I'm here to tell you why and how to make it happen — even on a budget and with no time!

To make it work with methods that aren’t as conventional or effective (which most nonhormonal methods are not), you have to make a game plan and stick to it.

Navigating Contraception When You Have Mental Illness

I began to see my mental health go completely downhill. This led me to seek out a psychiatrist, who raised an interesting concern: she thought my birth control was messing with my depression. It’s not like I hadn’t been aware of the link between hormonal contraception and depression before, but it never occurred to me that these two personal realities could be connected.
