Jess Lahitou

Jess Lahitou


Jess is a literature lover, former teacher, new(ish) mother, and politics junkie. Currently in Miami, this Colorado native is embracing the culture shock. Art Basel? Wynwood? Ropa Vieja? Yes, please.

Jess Lahitou Articles

Odd are much higher for romantic success if we put FOMO aside.

Does Hookup Culture Make Anyone Happy?

To her own admitted surprise, Fessler discovered that meaningless, detached hookups were emphatically not bringing any kind of bliss to college women.

Pharmaceutical companies, like tobacco companies, are in the business of making a profit.

Big Pharma & Big Tobacco: A Tale Of Two Deadly Scandals

Is there a difference between what the cigs biz did back in the 1950s and ‘60s and the way present-day pharmaceutical companies have aggressively marketed opioids like OxyContin?

An early look at just how bad (or not) some of Trump's nominees are so far.

Trump's Cabinet Pie Chart Analysis: Who Is Most Likely To Wreak Havoc?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that Democrats and Republicans aren’t getting along so well these days.

Hi, this is Jess here, and I hope these recommends make your February warmer, more interesting, and more delicious. (Image Credit: Instagram/youngertv)

#RavsRecs: Jess Sets You Up For A Fabulous February

Welcome To #RavsRecs, a look inside the lives (and minds) of your Ravishly staffers, with a list of things that are probably unnecessary but definitely awesome.

WAY better than true love.

Is Monogamy Over? What This Means For The 21st Century Woman

The most recent issue of Time features a cover with twenty-one shadowed question marks scattered under the headline: “Is Monogamy Over?”


WTF Was Starbucks Thinking When They OK’d 2015’s #RedCup?

A tradition dating back to 1997, starting each November 1st, Starbucks introduces their holiday cup. So after 10 long months of waiting, forgive me for experiencing childlike letdown over this year’s Red Cup.


Are You A Political Rookie? Top Five Reasons 2016 Is The Year To Suit Up

Yes, it may still be 2015, but due to political and societal realities, presidential elections start early — like, stupidly early. Here’s the rundown on what to look for in your future POTUS.

Duck Dynasty viewers were likely to vote for Trump. (Image Credit: Flickr/Mike Mozart)

The 'Duck Dynasty' Test: Are We This Politically Predictable?

Four years ago, my husband took a job transfer to Bogota, Colombia.

Sick and tired.

The CNBC Republican Debate: Surprisingly Like The Escaped Blimp

While watching the third Republican debate last night on CNBC, I thought to myself: Self, you’re going to have to write a straight review of this thing. The candidates are too wonky tonight to be caricatured, and even Donald Trump has reigned himself in significantly. The debate was billed as “Your Money, Your Vote,” and the questions hewed pretty close to the economy. Read: not many social-issues gaffe bait.
