Justin Dennis

Justin Dennis


Justin Dennis is a gender non-binary transwoman, author of several young adult novels, and avid YouTube vlogger. She received her BA from Whittier College in Writing Worlds, a combination of Creative Writing and Anthropology focused on realistic fictional world building. She's a loud and proud feminist who hopes to make the world a better place for everyone. Get in touch with her at JustinDennis.com, on Twitter @JustinDennis4, or on her YouTube channel.

Justin Dennis Articles

Justin Dennis

For Pride Week: How Many Genders Are There?

An outstanding video from writer/vlogger Justin Dennis, discussing gender


Is It OK For Men To Be Feminine?

Gender gets tricky, what with it being a social construct and all.

Your host, Justin Dennis

What Is Fat Shaming? A Video From Justin Dennis

Fat shaming is the worst. Shaming pretty much anything is the worst, really, but some people seem to think that fatness is exempt from that idea.
