Sandy Jorgenson

Sandy Jorgenson


Writer by day and snack-eater by night, Sandy Jorgenson is a badass and brave mother to one fierce and beauty-filled girl. Find Sandy at writing about her experience with motherhood, pregnancy loss, secondary infertility and body image, or find her in the water somewhere trying desperately to morph into the mermaid she so badly wants to be.

Sandy Jorgenson Articles

 In my house, co-sleeping is a hard no.

Why You'll Never Find Me Co-Sleeping With My Child

When I check on our daughter before heading to bed myself, I have to do a quick scan around her full-size bed just to locate her. She is almost never remotely close to where she started out. But she is almost always upside down, head jammed up against the wall or her footboard, stuffed animals scattered like confetti all around her.

Giving yourself grace as you get older - that's the key to the "graceful" part of aging. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Marivi Pazos)

Learning To Age With Grace

Sitting now on the cusp of my 35th birthday, I find myself taking stock of my life thus far, shoving my youth under a microscope while I ask myself this one thing: Am I careening full-tilt toward my final days on this earth, or am I only just getting started here?

Owning your choices as a parent rocks (Image Credit: Unplash / London Scout)

Opting Out Of Pre-K: Totally Okay

You'll have to excuse me while I sit myself down for one stern-ass pep talk about the importance of trusting my gut, having the courage of my convictions, and marching bodly ahead in my resove to absorb every last minute I get with my growing girl, knowing that never again will these days be upon me.

"6. It’ll only take you half a second to realize that the person in the room who smells like BO is actually you."

8 Aspects Of The Postpartum Body You Were Never Warned About

Childbirth isn’t kidding around. Here are eight special gifts that your blessed body bestows upon you to say thanks for turning it into a baby-making machine.

Perhaps I say this to benefit you, as much as I’m saying it because I need to hear it myself: the time for mourning has long passed.

Stand Up And Fight (After You Feed The Kids)

The tumult that’s been rippling through our country has me begging the question: what do we do when we feel the defeat of a woman and the rise of a monster bearing down on us?

Platitudes can't take you all the way to real life transformation.

This Is Not About Cliched Living

This article is the second in a two-part series.

A decade is a long time to lose with a loved one...

Forgiving My Father After A Decade Of Estrangement

Two years ago, I had a two-year-old daughter who’d never met her grandfather.

How lovely were the carefree days of being a younger adult.

7 Realities of Adulthood That Can Kiss My Ass

Griping about adulting is a fun thing that we like to do, I know.

Living it up means letting go of judgment and grudges. (Image Credit: UnSplash/Brooke Cagle)

This Life Just Isn't Long Enough, So Let Those Grudges Go

I didn’t start out as a particularly easygoing person.
