pet adoption

It’s time for you to get a new kitty to add to your household: check with your local shelter or rescue organization!

It's Adopt-A-Cat Month. Check Out These Cat GIFs & Get Thyself A Cat Already

There are lots of good reasons to bring a pet into your home, especially a cat. There are also lots of awesome cat GIFs. I am going to combine those two things into Ravishly’s "Definitive List Of Reasons To Adopt A Cat (With GIFs)."

"By the time he got the all-clear from the vet to be adopted, there was a waiting list of people wanting to take him home." Image: Huffington Post

Batman The Four-Eared Super-Cat Finds A Forever Home

You might know that they call six-toed cats Hemmingways. But what do they call four-eared cats? Well, in the case of one such kitty in Pennsylvania, they call him… Batman.
