
Mother Jones Reveals Hobby Lobby's Anti-Abortion Hypocrisy

New evidence shows that Hobby Lobby's 401(k) retirement plan has holdings over $73 million in mutual funds with investments in companies that make these very products. Oh, and companies that produce drugs that are used in actual abortions. Naturally, Hobby Lobby made matching contributions too.


Has your Relationship Plateaued?

Ugh, he was so much hotter (smarter, more interesting!) two months ago.


Oh Hello, Mega Intense Missed Connection of the Day

Sometimes they're silly, other times misogynistic to the max, but this one is just. raw.


Why Girl-On-Guy Rape is Hilarious and Other Dangerous Fallacies

Women raping men is suspiciously absent from most discussions that occur around female rape culture and prevention. And while male rape is certainly not as common as violent sex acts against women, it’s certainly nothing to joke about.


Taiwan Launches New Sex-Themed Restaurant, We Get Jealous

This gives the line, "I smell sex and candy" a whole new meaning.


Hurray! Daily Show Rips Into #PrincetonMom, Makes Feminists Proud Everywhere

"Princeton Mom" Susan Patton's various rants make men into chauvinistic pigs and women into glorified baby machines. So, yeah. Pretty much everyone is offended by her. Bask in Stewart's lambasting.


Escaping from a Bad Date—Do you Need an App for That?

Ever faked an emergency to get out of a bad date?


No Guns for Abusers: New Law Says Domestic Violence Offenders Can't Possess Guns

Women rejoice! New law says domestic violence offenders can't keep guns.
