Parenting & Pot

Parenting & Pot

Pot and parenting may seem like two totally separate worlds, but for the parents sharing their stories with us this week, that couldn't be further from the truth! Read about moms who medicate, the issue of race and cannabis in the face of legalization, and even what happens when you give your 84-year-old grandmother her very first pot brownie. It's all right here at Ravishly's Conversation series.

 “It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

Can Pot Make You A Better Parent? A Discussion With Parents Who Use Cannabis

“It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

With some of the most lax cannabis laws in the world, teens in the Netherlands are not that excited about weed.

How A Lax Approach To Drugs Makes Dutch Teens Happier

Let me start with a confession: I am terrified of teenagers. I’m particularly petrified of having some of my own.

"Her minuscule pot brownies made her feel conspiratorial. It gave her a sense of scandal and intrigue that she cherished."

Medical-Ish Pot & My 84-Year-Old Grandma

When my grandmother, who I called Gram, came to live with my parents in the fall of 2015, she was in rough shape — you know, the way that you expec

I Can Smoke Pot Legally & Safely, But I Won't Forget The People Who Still Can't

I often think about the people in my hometown whose lives were ruined because they live in the “wrong” state. That same stigma causes me to feel horrible after I smoke.

Black CannaParents: Teaching Children Balance In An Environment Of Extremes

We’re living in a time where parents must do the impossible dance of humanizing the world to their children, while at the same time shielding them from the potential of other humans to cause harm.

Is the ignorance surrounding cannabis really a lack of knowledge or is it just reticence to change?

My 9-Year-Old Knows Good People Who Smoke Pot — I'm One Of Them

There’s nothing distinguishable about a cannabis user. Most of us, you’d never pick out of a crowd.

"If I could redo the conversation with her today, I would probably light up right alongside her."

I Regret Judging The Pot Mom

If I could redo the conversation with her today, I would probably light up right alongside her.