No Cate

Caroline Eubanks Hiking Machu Pichu

How Hiking Machu Pichu Taught Me To Listen To My Body

It didn’t matter that I wasn’t setting the record for fastest time Hiking Machu Pichu — this wasn’t a competition. All I had to do is walk.

Laurel Dickman by Margalit Carolinensis

9 Plus-Size Summer Boho Looks 

Summer and carefree, breezy boho style go hand in hand. Flowing fabrics and silhouettes allow breezes to cool down warm bodies.

Fat shaming and skinny shaming are harmful. We need to stop allowing the media to pit plus size and thin women against one another.

Fat Shaming And Skinny Shaming With Actress Reid Cox

Fat shaming and skinny shaming are harmful. We need to stop allowing the media to pit plus size and thin women against one another.

Image Credit: The Sinner

Take The Cake: Mean Fat Babe Domme Beats Up Bill Pullman In “The Sinner” (AND I LOVE IT)

Sharon is so intensely interesting to me in The Sinner. We get to see a fat woman who is over thirty exercise extraordinary sexual power.

Being fat-shamed by your doctor is not okay and yet many people feel as if they must accept this substandard care.

When You’ve Been Fat-Shamed By Your Doctor

Being fat-shamed by your doctor is not okay and yet many people feel as if they must accept this substandard care. We are mistreated and misdiagnosed!

image credit: Virgie Tovar via Instagram

Take The Cake: 3 Reasons I Don’t Use The Word “Bully”

The word “bully” makes us think we’re talking about a tiny handful of anti-social individuals when in fact we’re talking about a group of people.

The Fourth holds none of the joy it has previously.

The Fourth Of July Is My Favorite Holiday, And I Want To Cancel It

The Fourth of July holds none of the joy it has previously. It’s not just the lousy president — it’s the fact that he was elected at all.


Is Soap Self-Cleaning After All?

You have been washing your hands wrong your entire life.
