
Here's an activist’s survival guide!

The Anxious Activist’s Survival Guide

For many people, activism induces as much anxiety as the disastrous news stories that compel us to keep doing it. So here's an activist’s survival guide!

When my activist community turned toxic, I had to find a way to keep moving forward with my work.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go? When Your Activist Community Becomes Toxic

It got to the incredibly toxic point, with my activist community, where I seriously considered walking away from activism for good.

Join me and free your arm fat!

Take The Cake: 4 Reasons To Free Your Arm Fat

This year has been a real paradigm shift year for my arm fat, and I’d like to offer you 4 reasons to join me in public wobbly ecstasy: free your arm fat!

"I save dresses for the kinds of “special occasions” where it’s easier to wear a dress than to argue with people about why I didn’t wear a dress."

We Need To Talk About The Pressure To Be Femme When You're Fat

Femme, as it’s expected, isn’t easy for me. It seems to demand from me labor I’m increasingly less willing or less able to undertake as a mentally ill person who likes to think they give zero fucks.

"I save dresses for the kinds of “special occasions” where it’s easier to wear a dress than to argue with people about why I didn’t wear a dress."

We Need To Talk About The Pressure To Be Femme When You're Fat

Femme, as it’s expected, isn’t easy for me. It seems to demand from me labor I’m increasingly less willing or less able to undertake as a mentally ill person who likes to think they give zero fucks.

Obviously, now from my elder perch, I realize it’s best to not be judgy about beauty treatments.

Being Judgy About Beauty Treatments Was Just My Own Baggage

Obviously, now from my elder perch, I realize it’s best to withhold judgment, especially contempt for actions that bring personal joy at life stages you haven’t reached yet. (Though I’m still not married and get cranky that women are taking their husband’s last names more so than twenty years ago.)

Photo courtesy of the author.

Good Fathers Are Not Saints

An equitably responsible life between a man and a woman should not be seen as a rare wonder, but an expectation.

This is a beginner’s guide to mansplaining on Facebook (image credit: Tim Gouw via Unsplash)

A Beginner’s Guide To Mansplaining On Facebook

Right now, on Facebook and Twitter and other social media platforms, thousands of women are freely sharing knowledge, opinions, and personal experiences. Chilling, isn’t it? If you’re a man on the internet, your duty is to swiftly and decisively correct them. This is a beginner’s guide to mansplaining on Facebook.
