
Sick day for mom? Nope.

What A "Sick Day" As A Mom Really Looks Like

I think that before I actually became a mom, I dreamt of sick days to be filled with breakfasts in bed, handwritten notes with all the words spelled wrong, and misshapen pancakes — but the reality is far from that dream. I'm flustered just thinking about it.

I try to contain my fears, my own insecurities. I want them to shine, even as I’m terrified watching them climb and jump and dream.

When My Kids Go Onstage, I'm More Frightened Than They Are

I’m full of emotions: pride, awe, fear, nerves. The spelling bee first, then the piano recital. Two different kids, same mom. Same me, wanting to prevent my boys from pain and discomfort. Same me, biting my tongue and smiling broadly in support.

Hint: None if them are this eye shadow.

5 Makeup Must-Haves From $2.99-$12.99

I’m pretty lucky if I wake up and don’t look like someone punched me in the face.

Five minutes. PLEASE.

20 Signs Mom Needs A Break This Holiday

10. 15 minutes alone in the grocery store has become your equivalent to a therapy session.


Alexis Neiers: Former Tabloid Target, Current Doula

We’ve all felt misunderstood or made life-changing mistakes.


On Mother's Day: What Mama Said

After 365 days of kid-topia time, Mother's Day is finally upon us!

Entitled coffee, at its finest

How My Programmable Coffee Pot Revealed My Entitled, Jerk Self

The last episode of “MyCoffeePot & Me” aired 2 years ago when I woke up to an unresponsive pot.

Babies, pink, and feminism. Courtesy of, LibreShot

"Yes, I Can Wear Pink": 10 Things About Feminism For My Boyfriend 

Since I was a little girl I have dreamed about finding that special someone. You know, the guy who is brave enough to say those three little words: I'm a feminist.
