
Admittedly a definite luxury, floatation tanks can force you to take a break in ways which you might not normally be able to.

Float On: Why A Floatation Tank Is The Ultimate Deep-Relaxation Tool

Few things make a body feel better than less things holding it back, be it physical, emotional, or gravitational.

"I no longer get a sense of pride from being and proclaiming to be busy, and I don’t take part in pro-burnout culture talk with others."

I Have OCPD: Here's Why You've Probably Never Heard Of It Before

I thought that my drive to perfectionism was warranted and desirable. "I am just doing what I have to do" — that's the mantra I used to motivate myself to continue to be productive, especially when I was feeling tired and tense.

"I no longer get a sense of pride from being and proclaiming to be busy, and I don’t take part in pro-burnout culture talk with others."

I Have OCPD: Here's Why You've Probably Never Heard Of It Before

I thought that my drive to perfectionism was warranted and desirable. "I am just doing what I have to do" — that's the mantra I used to motivate myself to continue to be productive, especially when I was feeling tired and tense.

THIS COULD BE YOU: clear skin, easy smile, GOOP-recommended ergonomic office chair that you forgo in favor of meditating on top of your tiny, clean desk. Probably an apple cider vinegar shot waiting for you in the kitchen.

How To Adult Without Being Slowly Suffocated By Your Responsibilities: A Handy Guide

Learning to break down huge obstacles is an act of self-care that is sometimes easier said than done. Occasionally, you have to call in the help of others to help you step back and see the big picture, break it down, and allocate time and ideas to each task or activity.

It starts like an itch. Something feels wrong, and I need to make it right again.

What I Wish Other People Knew About OCD

OCD is tailor-made for iceberg metaphors.


Time Management As Self-Care: Domme The Clock

With all of the anxiety and potential for a spiral of bad things that could happen, learning how to stay on top of your responsibilities can be the key to preventing the downward spiral. Time management can be an essential part of mental health and maintaining professionalism in a competitive environment full of triggers for us tenderhearts.


The Worst Part Of Moving Is The Anxiety It Causes

In the past 13 years, I have moved 11 times.

"It’s not that you’re not thankful for this basket of baby that you delivered (you are), it’s just that it’s a lot to take in at once."

7 Simple Meditation Techniques For New Moms

So what are some meditation hacks you can do during and between countless diaper changes and feedings?
