
Pretty much nobody wants to be called a housewife. Pretty much everyone agrees that it’s degrading to spend your time doing housework. Housework is the ultimate invisible labor.

I’m Not A Stay-At-Home-Mom, I’m A Queer Housewife, Thanks

One of the most insidious things that patriarchy does is the complete and utter devaluation of anything that is considered “women’s work.” Not only does patriarchy limit what women (and all trans and nonbinary folk) can do in the world, it also takes what we do manage to do and tells us it isn’t worth anything.


Why Your Son Being Friends With A Girl Should Be NBD

Few things are cuter than the sight of your little boy holding hands with a little girl in his kindergarten classroom, or watching as your daughter puts her arm around a little boy from her tee-ball team. At that moment, parents often assume that what they’re witnessing is young love, even if their child has never had a crush and is just expressing affection. While it may be tempting to call your child’s friend a girlfriend or boyfriend, or to tease them about having a crush, here are seven important reasons to resist.

“Your left ovary is fine,” the nurse practitioner told me over the phone. “But you have a cyst the size of an orange on your right ovary.” Image: Cathy Brown.

For The Girls: A Fond Farewell To My Ovaries

I thought cancer was behind me. Until I had a weird pain near my left ovary which lasted for several days. It felt a lot like ovulation...Only, at 56, that train had left the station a long time ago.

Image: Wikipedia. Lili Elbe (The Danish Girl).

Why Transgender Representation In The Media Has A Long Way To Go

By now, almost everyone who follows news about trendy Hollywood films geared towards making that particular Oscar-worthy buzz have heard of the film The Danish Girl, an historical biopic based upon the life of Lili Elbe, one of the first recipients of gender confirmation surgery.

As I began to face my struggles with food, I also started to embrace making food.

How I Went From An Eating Disorder To Eating Intuitively

You might not think of food as being a savior in eating disorder recovery, but I have actually found food to be one of my greatest sources of refuge — and not in a relapse sort of way.

“How do you do it?” is a silly question. We’re all bumping along the best we can with what we’re given.

How Does She Do It? Parenting With A Disability

I had to walk my daughter in the torrential downpour to school six blocks away with a positive attitude, although the last thing I felt was positive. We have to walk because I don’t drive.

Demisexuality isn't what you might think.

Demisexuality: The Common Sexual Orientation You Might Have But Not Know About

It’s frustrating that most identities on the asexuality spectrum are qualified by a “lack” of something — desire, intimacy, attraction. I wonder, what might happen for demisexual (or asexual) people if we turn our focus toward what relationships contain, rather than what they’re missing.

My parents didn't accept the divorce until the decree was in my hand; and even then their acceptance is given only with the understanding that my marriage was a failure that could have been avoided. Image: WeHeartIt

My Parents Forced Me To Stay Married To My Horribly Abusive Husband

As I said my goodbyes to my parents, I pleaded with them to help me leave him. "Please, you've seen what is going on," I said to them. "You've seen him. I can't live like this anymore. I can't do this any longer. Please help me." My mother gave me a hug, kissed my kids, and wished me well in working things out. "Just try a little harder. It takes effort to learn how to be a good wife and you've always been a little difficult," she said before closing my car door.
