
"Crying Girl" by Roy Lichtenstein, 1963

Emergency Self-Care: Tips For Loving Yourself During A Crisis

...self-care is a process. Ideally, you treat yourself with kindness daily, engaging in acts of self care that function as either a reminder to relax in the midst of everyday stresses, part of a life saving regimen to sustain your mental well being, or a little bit of both.

"But what were you born as?"

6 Easy Ways To Make Me, A Transgender Person, Uncomfortable

When I say that I’m a queer trans guy, people love to let me know whether or not they think I "look" like a woman or a man. Fun fact: I don’t give a f#ck.

Frown if you gotta.

Don't Pretend To Be OK When You're Not

Pretending you’re OK when you're not is lying — lying to yourself. And it will keep you not OK.

Noticing a bit of a theme here...

There's A Serious Diversity Problem In Higher Education

84% of full professors in America are White. In case you were unsure, that does not match the overall makeup of the country or the student body.


Dating While Black: I'm No Jezebel

Black women were branded as sexually promiscuous and immoral, which in turn was used as justification for sexual trauma/rape.

With the exception of Jennifer Hudson winning an Oscar for her amazing turn as the glamorous yet jilted Effie in Dreamgirls, every single Oscar that a minority actress has won has been for portraying a negative or otherwise stereotypical role.

#OscarsSoWhite: When Art Doesn't Imitate Life

If 93% of the Academy is White, but as of 2014, only 62% of Americans were White, and art is supposed to imitate life...

Since when has "just don't get pregnant" been an effective promotion of reproductive health?

The Zika Virus: Why Now Is The Time For Reproductive Justice In Latin America

Use insect repellent, sleep under a mosquito net, and just don’t get pregnant — is this the best we can do for Latin American women?

No girls allowed? No thanks. Image: Pinterest

5 Ways Men Can Make The Man Cave A Feminist Space

Break out of a binary, gendered pattern of thinking. “All guys are into this” and “women are only into that” is Man Cave thinking.
