doesn't want children

Image courtesy of Janine James.

I Don’t Want To Be A Mom, And I’m Not Going To Change My Mind

Contrary to popular belief, maternal instincts do not strike every woman like a freight train. I’ve never been a “kid person,” and to be honest, I don’t really enjoy their company. Sure, I have met some cool children over the course of my life, but deep down, I just know it’s not for me.

Image courtesy of Janine James.

I Don’t Want To Be A Mom, And I’m Not Going To Change My Mind

Contrary to popular belief, maternal instincts do not strike every woman like a freight train. I’ve never been a “kid person,” and to be honest, I don’t really enjoy their company. Sure, I have met some cool children over the course of my life, but deep down, I just know it’s not for me.
