Author Profile
Jenni Berrett is a writer, reader, bubble bath enthusiast, and the features editor at Ravishly. Her writing has appeared on HelloGiggles, GOOD Magazine, Lush Cosmetics, and Doll Hospital Journal. She writes a mental health column on Ravishly called OCDame, and sometimes she writes about astrology too. She can usually be found reading a fantasy novel or trying to stop her cat from knocking various clutter off overflowing bookshelves. She is rarely successful.
Jenni Jenni Articles
Bob’s Burgers is familiar and cozy and something I can let myself fall into completely. Having it on is like a constant, hilarious lullaby — one that I fall asleep to more often than not.
In my role as a sex worker who sees clients with disabilities, I find I’m constantly learning about clear communication.
My biggest fear is being too much.
I wanted to look as white and non-threatening as possible because the invisibility of my disability in conjunction with the vulnerability of being a Black woman was absolutely unbearable.
I stand in the bathroom for six hours.
I’ve walked the line between visibly and invisibly disabled my entire life.
I used to ask the kids at school whether I would be white or black or brown if I didn't have red skin.
This assumption that I would want to hide my hearing aids always feels to me like a hint that I should be embarrassed by my disability — but I have no intention of keeping it a secret.
When I think sexy, the first thing that comes to mind is acting with abandon and being lost in the trance of feeling and response. My body might want that rapture, but it has to crawl through its own junkyard to get there.