Ben Carson

Fun fact: Donald Trump condemns the red cup. SHOCKER.

This Week In GIFs: Coffee Is The Devil And Good Sequels Are On The Horizon

Real life doesn't stand still, so why should your news? Calling this news is probably a stretch, but in any event, this is what the last week would look like were it a series of photos hung up around Hogwarts


Ben Carson Blames UCC Shooting Victims, Says He Wouldn't Have "Let" Himself Be Shot

In case you didn't think that Ben Carson could get any worse, or perhaps maybe even still liked the guy, have I got news for you.


Ben Carson Declares Muslims Unfit For Presidency, Apparently Can't Comprehend The Constitution

Carson's comments came in response to the shitshow that was Trump's campaign rally last week, where an attendee asked a question about how Trump would handle the "problem" that is Muslims in America, and incorrectly stated that President Obama is Muslim. Frankly, it doesn't matter what religion the president adopts, if any, but it's long since been settled that Obama is, in fact, Christian.
