Jody Allard

Jody Allard


Jody Allard is a former techie turned freelance writer living in Seattle. Her online work has appeared on Time, xoJane, and Offbeat Home, among others. She writes primarily about food, family, mothering, and life with a chronic illness. 

Jody Allard Articles

Why We Need To Talk About Mental Illness In The Wake Of The Charleston AME Shooting

Is racism the only reason that nine people died in Charleston last week, or is there something more going on here?


Frozen Embryos Don't Have Rights, Women Do 

"It's simple, really. If you can muddy the waters enough, and espouse concern for the rights of those poor defenseless embryos enough, what should be a simple statement about the rights of women to make choices for their own bodies becomes, instead, a convoluted argument around viability and fetal stages that puts the presumed "rights" of fetuses on an equal footing with the actual rights of adult women."


5 Reasons Summer Is Way Better For Moms

My favorite part about summer is the ability, for three short months, to stop looking at the clock or calendar and to start enjoying the present.


Your 2-Minute Guide To Congress' Attacks On Planned Parenthood And Abortion

Even if the government shuts down, it won't stop funding to Planned Parenthood; Medicaid and Medicare payments (which is how Planned Parenthood receives government funds) will continue on autopilot. It's a line in the sand that has absolutely no impact on the organization, yet would impact thousands of federal employees whose paychecks would stop coming. And is akin to a toddler throwing a tantrum.


Dear Jeb Bush, Shaming Single Parents Is Not A Family Value

Being a single parent has never been the "problem" in my life.


Hot Dogs Are People And Bacon Will Kill You –– Or Not

Before you run to the bathroom to puke out your human DNA containing hot dog while sobbing over delicious bacon, let me clear up a few misconceptions.


Donald Trump Wants To Ban Muslims, Amazon CEO Has Better Idea

ICYMI, everyone's favorite drunk uncle Donald Trump announced that he's in favor of banning all Muslims from the United States –– including American citizens who leave the country for terrorist-loving activities like going on vacation.


My Daughter Is A Gift—But Her Autism Is Not

I simply can't accept autism as just another variation of normal.
