Crista Noel

Crista Noel


Crista Noel is a proud citizen of Chicago, Illinois and graduate of Northwestern University with a degree in Education and Social Policy. She worked asa manager for Fortune 500 companies until she was attacked by a police officer inWestchester, Illinois on January 1, 2009. This attack occurred approximately 12 hours afterOscar Grant was mortally wounded by an officer in a BART train station in Oakland, California.Together with Beverly Wilson Ellison, Sr., she founded Women’s All Points Bulletin (WAPB), a non-profitorganization created by women, for women who have been victimized by violence duringpolicing encounters.Ms. Noel is a Certified Practitioner of Oversight by the National Associationof Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE), and member of the United Stated Human Rights Network (USHRN), CAARPR, graduate of the Illinois Attorney General’s Victims Assistance Academy (IVAA), certified by the Illinois CoalitionAgainst Sexual Assault (ICASA), alumnus of the Evanston Police Civilian Police Academy, recipient of the Chicago Taskforce on Violence againstGirls and Young Women and Project NIA’s 2014 Women Heroines Award, and a 2014 Urban Justice Center, Human Rights Institute Fellow.Her goal is to eradicate violence against women specifically in relation to assaults by lawenforcement personnel, and to usher in a new millennium constitutional policing model basedon Human Rights and community involved policing.

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