Rebecca Shamblin

Rebecca Shamblin


Rebecca Shamblin is a full-time mama and small business owner.  She somehow managed to turn a personal passion for online fandom into an actual career analyzing social media. Nowadays when she isn't busy chasing a toddler, she designs custom photo books and slideshows for Life Remembered.

Rebecca Shamblin Articles

How I Am Fostering Body Positivity For My Young Daughter

I’ve struggled with my weight and self-esteem my whole life, and I want better for my daughter. She’s only a year and a half right now, but I am already doing everything I can to help her feel good about her body.

Rebecca Shamblin

I'm Bisexual: 10 Q&As For Confused Family And Friends

There was never a lightbulb moment in which I realized, “Hey! I’m bisexual!” I actually spent several years with a growing sense that something about me wasn’t quite the norm.


'Mom Friends' vs. 'Friends Who Are Moms'

“Definitely don’t be afraid to use a nipple shield,” I told a woman the other day. “Cracked nipples are the worst, let me tell you!”
