
My exuberance over these freshly-plucked perennials reminds me that the little things truly are the big things.

Dandelion Girl: How A Photo Of My Younger Self Makes Me A Happier Person

Of all the items that make up my workspace, it’s a picture of me holding a bunch of dandelions that never fails to put a smile in my heart. In this May 1979 picture, I carry an expression that’s nothing short of being as pleased as punch.

image credit: Roya Ann Miller via Unsplash

Am I A Feminist?

"I just don't want to box myself into being a feminist because I get really irritated by how some misrepresent the message.” And my friend Rae very simply stated, "Just do what you’re doing and that's what feminism will look like to people."

What I love, what I’m most interested in (at least in terms of written and spoken word), is the telling of stories.

Selling Yourself For Scraps: Why I Love Personal Essays

But what I did write, and write constantly, were diaries and journals. I kept notebooks and three-ring binders filled with observations about my life that I thought were interesting. Sometimes I worried that these personal stories were too naval-gazing, but I still held on to them, hoping that someday someone would want them.
