alone time

I miss them. A lot. But I also enjoy the time I have without them and I'm a better parent because of this.

Time Away From My Kids Makes Me A Better Parent

I’m either flying solo — being anything and everything to my two kids — or I am literally solo. And it makes me a better parent.

Go see a matinee. Bonus points for buying that obscene tub of popcorn and showing it who’s boss.

The 6 Best Ways To Use Your (Almost Non-Existent) Alone Time

You more than anyone should try to carve out some space for yourself.

We want him to know that while things will change when his sister gets here, he can always come to us for anything, and we will always make time for him. Image:  Elizabeth Kardaseva/Pixabay.

5 Things I Plan On Doing Before I Become A Mom Of Two

I’m not going to lie or sugarcoat my feelings right now — I’m nervous about going from a mom of one to a mom of two. My son is seven, so he, my husband, and I have had seven years of time as “just the three of us.”
