Claire Hopple

Claire Hopple


Claire Hopple is a writer of short stories and a columnist for Maudlin House. Originally from Pittsburgh, she currently lives in Nashville with her husband. She's still waiting for someone to give her a firm answer on the Oxford comma. She will eat all of your cupcakes. Find out more at      

Claire Hopple Articles

Get your groove on sans worries with these tips, so you can rock the festival scene like a pro.

Get Your Festival Season Essentials

Good news: Festival season is upon us. Allow yourself to rock with the best of them by compiling your own crucial folk festival kit with these must-have items.

Big Brother really is always watching... and listening... and advertising.

Your Phone Is Listening To You - All The Time

You mention wanting to feast on a sweet stack of pancakes for Sunday brunch and the next time you open Instagram, there’s an IHOP ad star

Dairy is good for you, but it depends, on you, and on the dairy... and no, it's not complicated at all.

Where Did We Land On Dairy Again?

Wait a sec, is consuming dairy good or bad for you? Do you cut it out when you want to get healthy, or add more in?

Matcha is all the rage, and for good reason - it packs a healthy, energy-fused punch.

Should I Be Paying Attention To Matcha?

Yes, you should be paying attention to matcha. Though it’s been around for hundreds of years, people on this side of the world are just starting to take notice of it. Better late than never to the healthy bright green tea party, I guess.

What if fast food becomes convenient... and healthy? Oh the joys!

Fast Food Chains That Are Making An Effort To Serve Real Food

Sometimes just saying the words “fast” and “food” back to back makes us want to sneak a glimpse behind us, waiting for the

Make that Netflix bingefest even better. (Image Credit: Instagram/Netflix)

You’ll Never Go Back To Default: 5 Mind-Blowing Ways To Customize Netflix

Fully embrace your Netflix addiction, impress your AV Club-loving friends and get the most out of your account with these Netflix hacks that are no

Image Credit: Instagram (impactwrestling)

Smashing Pumpkins Frontman Delves into Professional Wrestling (And 4 Other Bizarre Things)

The year’s not over yet and already its bizarre occurrences and oddities are innumerable.

Image Credit: National Telefilm Associates (Screenshot of the movie) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Power Of Nostalgia: Let The Good Memories Roll

Nostalgia is actually considered a valuable copoing mechanism for depression, anxiety, and especially grief. Plus, not only does it counteract anxious feelings, it can actually make you more hopeful about the future. No wonder a higher occurrence of nostalgic feelings are found in the most resilient people.

Some "healthy" choices are anything but.

7 'Healthy' Habits That Aren't Actually Healthy

Let’s face it, people love to throw around the word “healthy” as much as they love to sit on the couch in workout clothes.

Decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance.

It's Time To Sharpen Those Decision-Making Skills

Whether it’s moving to a different country, starting a new career in a completely different field, or even something tiny like how to compose that text to a friend or which movie to see, decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance. Below are some questions to help you think through tough decisions. But first, keep in mind: no matter your choice, you will most likely be alive when it has run its course. And you will most likely still be you. Deep breaths. Keep reading.
