
Image CreditL Josh Applegate via Unsplash

Not Your Grandmother’s Religion: Why My Parochial Education Was A Big Fail

I spent nine years attending Catholic School.

Image Credit: Ferran Fusalba via Unsplash

Finding My Rebel Catholicism In Mexico City

In my rebel Catholicism, and the Catholicism that I see so many other Latinx people practice, faith and cynicism are dancing partners that invent their own steps.

Image Credit: Ferran Fusalba via Unsplash

Finding My Rebel Catholicism In Mexico City

In my rebel Catholicism, and the Catholicism that I see so many other Latinx people practice, faith and cynicism are dancing partners that invent their own steps.

Image CreditL Josh Applegate via Unsplash

Not Your Grandmother’s Religion: Why My Parochial Education Was A Big Fail

I spent nine years attending Catholic School.

Image Credit: Ben White via Unsplash

My Catholic Father Uses Our Spiritual Differences To "Keep Me In Line"

The through line of my life has been the tension caused by my father believing that I should “fall in line” and defer to his patriarchal authority. Nowhere is this more evident than in the ways that he cannot tolerate our spiritual differences.

Image Credit: Ben White via Unsplash

My Catholic Father Uses Our Spiritual Differences To "Keep Me In Line"

The through line of my life has been the tension caused by my father believing that I should “fall in line” and defer to his patriarchal authority. Nowhere is this more evident than in the ways that he cannot tolerate our spiritual differences.


Why Progressives Need Conservatism To Save The Church

Conservative fetishization of the past is myopic, simplistic, and mean-spirited—but progressives can be too quick to cede tradition.
