Noah Berlatsky
Noah Berlatsky Articles
A recent controversy at the Calgary Expo suggests MRAs care more about making opponents look bad than they do about discrimination.
Read...The loss of gospel history has meant forgetting how important black women have been to American performance styles.
Read...Rather than seeing Beyoncé's sexual performance as linked to destruction, we can consider whether eroticism might be an alternative to violence.
Read...Sex and bodies don't clarify gender; they confuse the issue.
Read...It's worth questioning some of our assumptions about adolescent inferiority.
Read...The surface text of the film is that you can't trust some guys. The (barely) subtext is that you can't trust any guys.
Read...At first, this looks like sexism. And then you realize, hey, this is sexism. Hope isn't allowed to do the dangerous job because Pym has put her on a pedestal, and won't let her off it.
Read...There's a good argument to be made that the earliest, and the best, rockabilly performers were women. Slicked-back, hiccuping, hopped up cool.
Read...Country music is an overwhelmingly heterosexual endeavor. The LGBTQ community certainly listen to, and perform, country, but in terms of lyrical content and themes, country has been focused on male-female romantic love.
Read...Genre boundaries are conscious of race—and, in the case of rock, conscious of gender too.