Noah Berlatsky

Noah Berlatsky


Noah Berlatsky is a contributing writer for The Atlantic. He edits the online comics-and-culture website The Hooded Utilitarian and is the author of the forthcoming book Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948.

Noah Berlatsky Articles


Why Progressives Need Conservatism To Save The Church

Conservative fetishization of the past is myopic, simplistic, and mean-spirited—but progressives can be too quick to cede tradition.


Why Sexist Eggheads Can't Take Jane Austen Seriously

Can a popular author also be celebrated for literary quality? Not if that author is a woman like Austen.

Ex Machina Promotional

The Castrating Power Of The Femme Fatale: Ex Machina

Their sexuality traps and destroys male innocence, as they grad hold, by the penis- the better to lead him to castration. Make no mistake that castration is greeted with fear, terror, and disgust—but also with glee. Women as super villains allow their characters to be super powerful; a force for evil is at least a force. In a media landscape where women are often rendered secondary, invisible, and passive, the femme fatale, in her icy violence, seizes female agency along with the phallus that she so efficiently cuts off.


From Etta To Brandy: 12 Undervalued Black Women Of Rock 

Genre boundaries are conscious of race—and, in the case of rock, conscious of gender too.

Image: Wikipedia

Surprise (Not Really)! Marvel's Ant-Man Is Sexist 

At first, this looks like sexism. And then you realize, hey, this is sexism. Hope isn't allowed to do the dangerous job because Pym has put her on a pedestal, and won't let her off it.


How To Make The Queer And Feminism Movements More Inclusive: Activist Julia Serano Speaks Out

"I believe that, in order to address these problems, we need to first understand how we got here."


The Handmaid's Tale Is Overrated—Here's What You Should Read Instead

While Atwood's feminist dystopia remains our favorite nightmarish future, Marge Piercy's Woman On The Edge Of Time is far superior.


Even In Tragic Death, Charlie Hebdo Victims Benefit From Privilege 

Who is memorialized in death has everything to do with race, class . . . and who you were in life.

Image: Flickr

A Love Letter To The Original Movie, The Transporter 

Action movies don't usually bother much with romance. The trailer for The Transporter: Refueled certainly doesn't. The hero is cool — sexy women, plural, throw themselves at him, or at least stand near him and things blow up; there are fights and revenge and high production values. Romance is, at best, a secondary concern.

Image: <a href="">Flickr<a />

Why Hillary Clinton Is Not A Dynastic Candidate 

With the prospect of another Bush/Clinton presidential contest looming as ominously as Donald Trump's hairpiece, the word "dynasty" seems to be frothing off of many a pundit's keyboard. "Clinton, Bush struggle to shed dynasty labels," a Washington Post headline declared.
