Michelle Threadgould

Michelle Threadgould


Michelle Threadgould is a journalist who lives in Oakland, California, and covers the intersection between arts and culture and social justice. She has written for the New York Observer, Oakland Magazine and SF Weekly. She is currently working on a novel about growing up punk, and what happens when your idols fall.

Michelle Threadgould Articles

Dawn MacKeen digs up a hidden past in her newest book.

The Hundred Year Walk: Author Dawn MacKeen Remembers The Armenian Genocide

We talk to author Dawn MacKeen about her book, The Hundred Year Walk, and what it can teach us about today's refugees.

Image Credit: Ferran Fusalba via Unsplash

Finding My Rebel Catholicism In Mexico City

In my rebel Catholicism, and the Catholicism that I see so many other Latinx people practice, faith and cynicism are dancing partners that invent their own steps.

Featured images captured by Kristina Bavreski

Scenes From The Anti-Trump Protests Of San Francisco

“If what we need to dream, to move our spirits most deeply and directly toward and through promise, is discounted as a luxury, then we give up the core —the fountain of our power, our womanness; we give up the future of our worlds.”


BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Joins Donald Trump In Skipping Debate

She will not be participating in the PBS debate and will instead host a fundraising event in Milwaukee, for the displaced penguins at the Milwaukee Zoo, who have been horribly neglected by climate change deniers and experienced an unseasonably hot winter that is burning up their feathers.
