
It's not the food you need to watch out for.

The Completely Unexpected Side Effect Of Intuitive Eating

When I first learned about a non-diet approach to eating (which you might call intuitive eating, attuned eating, or just “listening to your body and not freaking out”), it seemed pretty straightforward: Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and choose foods based on what your body wants and craves.

"My illness creates the standard for myself; the rest of me has come to ignore beauty standards altogether, especially when it comes to other people."

Why Can't I See My Body The Way I See Other People's Bodies?

I have particular standards of beauty that I believe apply to my body — my body, and no one else’s.


Eat When Hungry. Stop When Full. OR Do Whatever You Want Because You’re An Adult

The muffin isn’t your enemy, you are.

Throw every body-policing fashion rule you've heard out the window and buy yourself something gorgeous!

6 Reasons To Wait Until You Lose Weight To Buy New Clothes (And Why They're All Wrong)

Clothes can be altered. Clothes can be sold. Clothes can be swapped with friends. In the meantime, you have to get dressed every day, and you might as well love the clothes you have right now.

Throw every body-policing fashion rule you've heard out the window and buy yourself something gorgeous!

6 Reasons To Wait Until You Lose Weight To Buy New Clothes (And Why They're All Wrong)

Clothes can be altered. Clothes can be sold. Clothes can be swapped with friends. In the meantime, you have to get dressed every day, and you might as well love the clothes you have right now.


Beyond Before & After: So You Gained Weight Over The Holidays (PS It Was Maybe Two Pounds)

A bipolar, body-positive bread enthusiast with a fucked-up ankle and a history of disordered eating chronicles health, weight-loss,
