
Image: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/nrbelex/2232632457">Flickr<a />

Why Hillary Clinton Is Not A Dynastic Candidate 

With the prospect of another Bush/Clinton presidential contest looming as ominously as Donald Trump's hairpiece, the word "dynasty" seems to be frothing off of many a pundit's keyboard. "Clinton, Bush struggle to shed dynasty labels," a Washington Post headline declared.

Is this hell, or my home? (Credit: Twitter)

San Francisco, We're Better Than This: A Fan's Reaction To The World Series Riots

The city I saw last night is not the city I live in and love.


The Ruined Reputation of China’s First and Only Empress

By normal measures of imperial China, Empress Wu Zetian did a pretty solid job. So why has she been impugned in history?
