The Fatshion Conversation

"I save dresses for the kinds of “special occasions” where it’s easier to wear a dress than to argue with people about why I didn’t wear a dress."

We Need To Talk About The Pressure To Be Femme When You're Fat

Femme, as it’s expected, isn’t easy for me. It seems to demand from me labor I’m increasingly less willing or less able to undertake as a mentally ill person who likes to think they give zero fucks.

While "body positivity" and "plus-size" seem to be buzzwords nowadays, there is still a shocking lack of well-tailored, cool, fashionable clothing options for women like myself.

What Plus-Size Fashion Looks Like For My Queer, Fat Body

As a self-identified queer plus-sized woman, issues of taking up space and 'fitting into' clothes from a limited wardrobe are things I contend with daily.
