gender norms

The heart wants what the heart wants, and my daughter’s heart is a Lisa Frank landscape made up of sparkles and rainbows and princesses and unicorns. Image: Lauren Hartmann.

There's No Such Thing As "Just For Girls"

The heart wants what the heart wants, and my daughter’s heart is a Lisa Frank landscape made up of sparkles and rainbows and princesses and unicorns. It’s just who she is, and I am OK with that. But what I am not completely fine with is her labeling these preferences as being “for girls” or “for boys.”


"Hey Guys": Let's Talk About Male-Default Language

It is obvious once you begin to look that the male default can be found everywhere.

Credit: Wikipedia Commons

South Asia's Fatherhood Revolution—And What It Means For Girls

A handful of fathers in countries with long sexist histories are slowly but surely walking the walk of empowering their daughters.
