
Lunch Swaps – 5 Tips For a Healthier Brown Bag

There is nothing worse than feeling guilt in the evening whenever you think about what you consumed during the day — it’s such a sucky feeling. I try to blame it on how busy I am, since it’s not my fault that all the easy to reach for food are often the ones I shouldn’t be grabbing.

Drinking a ton makes it harder for sperm to hit their target . . . Credit: Wikipedia Commons

New Study Finds Binge Drinking Lowers Sperm Count

Hypothetically, this gives a somewhat free-ish pass to the contraceptively lazy who like to drink. Don't let it though, obviously.


This Week in Hillary-World: A Secret Obama Meeting, A Benghazi Counterattack, And One Very Surprising Interview

At this point, it's hard to imagine Hillary not announcing her intention to run in the next couple weeks.
