
Why Don't Women Host Late Night T.V.?

Stephen Colbert is a fine choice to replace Letterman, but why not a lady for once? Here, we examine the not-very-funny state of female comedy.


New Swedish Study Finds That Boys and Girls Are (Almost) Equally Porn + Sex Obsessed

So, it's well known that teenage boys just. can't. think about anything besides sex. Grades, sports, chores, family, friends, the future—step aside! Turns out girls can't concentrate on anything else either...we've just being assuming otherwise.


"No Orgies!" Says University of Georgia to Men's Basketball Team

Geez, coaches are no fun.


My Short Skirt Isn't an Invitation for your "Compliments"

There's a very special circle of hell reserved for people who harass women on the streets. Pretty sure Dante mentioned it.


Cleaning Guru Jolie Kerr: If Martha Stewart was Young and Funny and Real

“Someone once told me time is a flat circle.


Watch: O’Reilly Rears His Ugly "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus" Crap Again

Bill O’Reilly has had plenty of memorable moments in his T.V. career, sometimes (re: almost always) stemming from his perplexing stances.


How Sexist Are This Year’s Oscar Nominated Films? A Simple Formula Says . . . Pretty Sexist

Take a moment to consider whether films you’ve seen recently fit these criteria:


The Nutjob, the Vixen and the Babe: Female Stereotypes in This Year's Oscar-Nominated Films

If this year's Academy Award-nominated pics are to believed, women are all manipulative and/or materialistic and/or just-plain crazy.
