I tried everything to make my symptoms go away. Eventually, after nearly ten years, I started finding articles about the low FODMAPs diet.
Read...You were taught not to invest in yourself. You were taught to invest in the culture, which is bolstered by patriarchy, racism, etc..
Read...Maintaining a “healthy” lifestyle can be difficult. Being a body positive fat person on a weight loss journey can be complicated!
Read...As a sick person, sometimes even well-meaning people say and do things that are frustrating. Here's what your sick fat friend wants you to know.
Read...Luxury brands don't want to dress fat people. "Higher-end luxury options are sorely missing in Plus fashion,” Cafone explains.
Read...With such an vibrant color and the intense feelings that come with it, ultra violet can be a little intimidating to style but these fashionistas rock it!
Read...When it comes to the Keto diet and other fads, you might lose weight, even a lot of weight, but the chances it will come back are far greater than not.
Read...The double standard of the soda tax is glaringly absurd, but grounded in a long history of selective regulation and bigoted attitudes.