Dolores De Luce
Dolores De Luce, The Counter Culture Diva confesses to doing almost anything to survive in Hollywood... except for taking a day job. She defends her choices: "I needed to keep my calendar open for auditions." She's been a performer/writer since 1970 and was mentored by the legendary Divine. In the midst of her magic era, working mostly in the LGBTQ Counter Culture San Francisco, she was nominated for 'Best Performer' by Bay Area Credits Association for her musical comedy, Broken Dishes. Her autobiographical screenplay, Grace Happens, based on her first memoir, My Life A Four Letter Word, was semifinalist at the Austin Screenwriting Competition and selections from Gay Widow, a collection of her AIDS survivor stories were published in Witness, an A.P.L.A. magazine. Her resent memoir, BLOW JOBS: A Guide to Making it in Show Business, or NOT! is a "How Not To" that bursts the bubble of Hollywood dreams with stories of how Dolores went from being Dean Martin's maid, to a bimbo's slave, to trimming pubic hair on XXX film sets. She dressed David Bowie and The Ramones, swapped whore stories with Joan Rivers, endured humiliation as a nude extra in a Rob Zombie horror classic ... and more.Currently Dolores lives in Venice Beach and continues to write and act in TV commercials and film, all while promoting her daughter Viva Vinson's singing career. She can be seen about town story-telling with Queer Wise, an LGBTI senior writer's collective, and at The Moth, Tasty Words, and other spoken word venues around Los Angeles.
Dolores De Luce Articles
After dedicating all my efforts and hours of work and also spending some money to advertise and promote my “I’m Not Too Old to Give It Away" campaign, I’m spent. But on a positive note, I have learned more life/business lessons.