Jenny Block

Jenny Block


Jenny Block writes for a number of regional and national publications, including the Dallas Morning News and American Way. She also blogs regularly for Her essay "On Being Barbie" appeared in the anthology It's a Girl: Women Writers on Raising Daughters and her essay "Portrait of an Open Marriage," originally published in Tango magazine, is scheduled to appear in Rebecca Walker's upcoming anthology Walk This Way: Introducing the New American Family in the Fall of 2008. Her new book, Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage is due out June 1 from Seal Press.

Jenny Block Articles

"I can't have his baby. I have to have an abortion."

This Is What It REALLY Feels Like To Have An Abortion

I didn't want to go through the experience of having an abortion. I didn't want to get pregnant in the first place. But I was grateful for the option. An option I had fought hard for to protect all women (including myself), marching on Washington, protesting at the Virginia state capital, raising money, collecting signatures. And now I had the chance to turn this unhappy experience into another piece of my own activism.
