Michaela Mitchell

Michaela Mitchell


Michaela Mitchell is a full-time freelance writer, mom of two, introvert who lives in her head and considers sarcasm an official second language. When she's not writing about the topics that pay the bills, she's writing things her mother wishes she wouldn't. Dating after divorce, sex, parenting, body image, and whatever else pops into her mind are all fodder for her caffeine-fueled writing.

Michaela Mitchell Articles

6 Rules Of Being A “Lady” I Break All The Time

I don't know if it's because I've lived in the deep South my entire life or if it's a generational thing. I do know that I was raised to “act like a lady” — always. Good girls didn't say certain things or look a certain way. We didn't raise our voices or argue with authority figures, and we apologized – a lot.

"Here's to raising a more accepting generation than our own."

Have Times Changed? We Never Had These Conversations Growing Up

How many times have you opened your mouth only to hear your parents instead? This happens to me all the time . . .
