Michaela Mitchell

Michaela Mitchell


Michaela Mitchell is a full-time freelance writer, mom of two, introvert who lives in her head and considers sarcasm an official second language. When she's not writing about the topics that pay the bills, she's writing things her mother wishes she wouldn't. Dating after divorce, sex, parenting, body image, and whatever else pops into her mind are all fodder for her caffeine-fueled writing.

Michaela Mitchell Articles

Everyone needs help now and then. There's no shame in it.

Poverty, Aid And Not Begrudging People That Need Help

Ever hear the phrase, “We were poor growing up, but I didn't know it?” It was a common refrain in my family. When my mother and aunt speak about those days, they wax poetically about tomato sandwiches and bread with every meal (meant to fill an empty stomach when there wasn't enough food).

Some of the hardest work you'll ever do is deal with drive-thru customers.

Stop Calling The Working Poor Lazy!

God forbid a single group, like fast-food workers, attempt to unite and fight for a better living wage. The moment they do, stories about more deserving groups who don't complain about their income are thrown about.
