Michaela Mitchell

Michaela Mitchell


Michaela Mitchell is a full-time freelance writer, mom of two, introvert who lives in her head and considers sarcasm an official second language. When she's not writing about the topics that pay the bills, she's writing things her mother wishes she wouldn't. Dating after divorce, sex, parenting, body image, and whatever else pops into her mind are all fodder for her caffeine-fueled writing.

Michaela Mitchell Articles

“Can you be a good boy? Mommy will give you a treat!” Do you know who I’m talking to? Me neither.

Why Having A Dog Is Like Having Kids

Several months ago I read a piece from a mother who was so over people comparing raising kids to taking care of their “furbabies.” The annoyance and eye rolls practically leapt off the page.


6 Rules Of Being A “Lady” I Break All The Time

I don't know if it's because I've lived in the deep South my entire life or if it's a generational thing. I do know that I was raised to “act like a lady” — always. Good girls didn't say certain things or look a certain way. We didn't raise our voices or argue with authority figures, and we apologized – a lot.

We're not all gold-diggers.

Top 10 Reasons Older Men Make Better Partners

Older men hooking up with younger women get a bad rap.

"Personal space problem solved."

Why Having A Resting Bitch Face Isn't So Bad

I admit it. I have a resting bitch face. Yes, I've been told I'm intimidating. And yes, I've heard “What's wrong?” when I'm randomly existing somewhere. I'm used to people misinterpreting my facial expression and moods.


Forget Mom Guilt, I've Got Mom Anxiety!

Somewhere between the birth of my first child and the first time my youngest hurt himself and I told him to “walk it off,” I lost much of my mom guilt. It helps that a very good friend of mine, who'd already raised her children years before, shared some of her own hard-earned wisdom with me.

I call BS.

Why We Should All Stop With The 'New Year, New Me' Bullsh*t

Ah, January of a new year. Time to wake up a completely different person from the woman I was in 2015, including: 30 pounds lighter by February! I call bullshit.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Rediscovering Sex After Divorce: My Belated Sexual Revolution

If not for a mini-sexual revolution in the post-divorce era, there’s no telling where I’d be now. Read...
The struggle is real.

What's Really Happening If You Work Retail: The Black Friday Edition 

You turn your back to deal with a crying toddler (I mean, answer a customer's question) and when you look back, every single shirt is unfolded and on the floor. Just at that moment, someone else walks by and rolls their eyes and sighs at how “nasty the store is" and wonders why they "can't they hire good people to keep it clean.”

Just be there.

Ways You Can Help: The First Holiday After The Death Of A Loved One

If someone you care about is suffering through the pain of first holidays without someone they love, there are things you can do.

Time to put on the gloves and fight.

When Breast Cancer Is Not A Question Of If  But When

In my family, it's not a matter of if cancer will affect one of us, but when. Right now, breast cancer has center stage in our lives.
