Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

A new friend for a new generation of kids. (Image Credit: Instagram/@sesamestreet)

World, Meet Julia: Sesame Street Introduces New Character With Autism

Over the years, Sesame Street has been a pioneer in holding up a mirror to the lived experiences of children and giving them a friendly re

No one needs wasp poop balls in their vagina, okay? Okay.

Don't Put Old Wasp Poop In Your Va-Jay-Jay, Okay?

Apparently, there is a type of wasp that deposits its larvae inside oak trees, where they grow inside the wood, nourished on oak bark and wasp poop. You can collect these wasp incubators — called oak galls — and do stuff with them. The Etsy seller says they’re good for all kinds of “traditional” medicinal uses like tightening the vagina and uterus after childbirth. THIS IS A BAD IDEA!

Patience for shenanigans wears thin - beware, monkey! (Image Credit: YouTube/Animal VS)

#FurballFriday: Monkey Gets Schooled

In this week’s #FurballFriday, we get a lesson in affirmative consent from a chihuahua, who could teach us all about setting boundaries.


Florida Woman Publicly Shames Governor Rick Scott In A Starbucks

The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Notably, there are no instructions for exactly how to petition the government, and no limits on what kind of grievances for which citizens may seek redress. Which is why it’s totally constitutional and patriotic that a lady lit into Florida Governor Rick Scott in a Starbucks.

A 2009 screenshot of, since this wasn't even an ORIGINAL joke

Evangelical Senator David Perdue, Proponent Of Out-Of-Context Bible Quotes

When asked about the Perdue’s remarks, White House press secretary Josh Earnest suggested that the Senator look in the Bible again — this time for the words for an apology.


BREAKING: Children Of Same-Sex Couples Are Totally Fine

For a long time, there was this idea floating around that same-sex couples shouldn’t be parents because it would be bad for the kids.


Five Words: Girl Scout Cookie Baking Mixes.

What could taste better than a sleeve of Thin Mints pulled from the freezer for a mouthful of cool, minty goodness? How about a tray of Thin-Mints-flavored brownies pulled from the oven for a mouthful of gooey, warm, minty goodness?

The official Harry Potter site will be releasing three short e-books on September 6. Image: wikipedia

Harry Potter Fans, Rejoice! J.K. Rowling Is Releasing Three New E-Books

Did this summer’s release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child have you longing for more time in the wizarding world? Do you wish you were headed to Platform 9 3/4 next week? Do you just need more Potter? Well, look no further than Pottermore!

Image: Stand Tall For Dwarfism/Instagram.

Good Feel Of The Day: How The Love Of A Dog Helps This Boy With Dwarfism

Mr. Rogers famously told us all to look for the helpers in times of great stress. Well, this is a time of great stress and I found a helper — specifically, a little dog in Australia who is helping this boy.


Alabama Dog Accidentally Runs Half Marathon

This past weekend, a dog wandering the streets of Elkmont, AL came across a half marathon and started trotting along with the runners.
