Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

Cancer Found Guilty In Deaths Of Bowie, Rickman, And Millions More


A manuscript of a Harry Potter prequel has been stolen, but no true fan should read it. No matter what. Seriously.... (Image Credit: By Loadmaster David R. Tribble via Wikimedia Commons)

DO NOT READ The Stolen Harry Potter Prequel. But You Can Definitely Cry About It

Legendary author J.K. Rowling is begging fans of her series about the young wizard not to purchase a handwritten, 800-word story she wrote as a prequel to the Potter tales.

I don't know if Trump TV will catch on but if it does, I have a weird feeling at least one member of the Palin family could make an appearance there. (Image Credit: Instagram/@dayofdistress)

What Fresh Orwellian Hell Is This TrumpTV Situation?

This week, the golfer in chief launched TrumpTV, a series of Facebook live updates detailing the great state of the universe according to Donald Trump.

Image Credit: Garge Skidmore

Can We NOT Call Hillary A Ballbuster This Time Around?

I was all set to write a lighthearted piece here about KFC’s new line of flavored nail polish. Yes, you did read that right. KFC has a line of nail polishes that come in “original recipe” and “hot and spicy” and they would LITERALLY make your nails finger lickin’ good. I mean OMG! Sadly, they’re only available in Hong Kong.

School robots are invaluable tools for students who need them.

School Robots Are Making Education For Severely Sick Kids Possible

School robots are invaluable tools for students who need them part time and also for students like Randy, for whom they’re the only path to the classroom.

Not pictured: Sarandon, for the sake of my blood pressure.

Susan Sarandon And The World's Oldest Wombat

I want to know how much yoga a person would have to do to be able to vote with their vagina. And kegels. Sooooo many kegels.

Image Credit: Instagram/northkorea

Trump & North Korea: In The Words Of Danny Glover, 'I'm Too Old For This Sh*t'

I have zero interest in reliving the years of mutually assured destruction that characterized U.S.-Russian relations during my childhood. And I definitely don't want to do it with Kim Jong Un, who is far less level-headed than Mikhail Gorbachev. And I sure as hell don't want to do it with Donald Trump.

These would be perf at the water park. (Image Credit: Instagram/brooksybradshaw)

#RavsRadar: Show Off Your Sweaty Summer Bum In Topshop's All-Plastic Jeans!!

The MOTO Clear Plastic Straight Leg Jeans look exactly like the kind of clear plastic zipper bag a new comforter for your bed would come in, only pants.

Thrones and cages and dungeons, oh my. Image: David Shankbone/Wikipedia.

Traveling While Kinky? KinkBNB's Got You Covered

Back in the old days, before the Internet was in our pockets, finding a vacation rental involved travel agents. Finding a vacation rental equipped with kinky sex equipment...Well, I don’t know how that would have worked. Luckily for all the fetishists out there, those dark days are behind us.

"Prior to this new law, victims had 10 years to bring rape charges against their assailants. In the case of sexual assault against a child, the statute of limitations was the child’s 40th birthday."

California To End Statute Of Limitations On Sexual Assault Cases

This means that if you are sexually assaulted in California after this law takes effect in January 2017, you have all the time you need to gather your strength to press charges.
