Wendy Wisner

Wendy Wisner


Wendy Wisner is a mom, writer, and lactation consultant (IBCLC). Her writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Brain, Child Magazine, Scary Mommy, The Mid, xoJane, Huffington Post, Role Reboot, and elsewhere. She lives with her husband and two sons in New York. She spends way too much time on Facebook, so connect with her there.

Wendy Wisner Articles

My iPhone Addiction Makes Me A Better Mom

I'll freely admit it: I'm a bit of an iPhone addict. My phone is always on me or within arm's reach, like a security blanket. I keep my sounds and alerts off but I check it all the time and notifications for email, Facebook, Ebay, even my freaking meditation program come popping up all day.


For The Love Of GOD, Stop Asking New Moms These Questions

Instead of asking these questions, here's what you can do: Bring that new mommy a lasagna (or ask her what she has a craving for). Tell her the baby is beautiful. Tell her that she's doing a wonderful job. Ask her how she's doing, how she's feeling. Ask her what she needs.
