Wyl Villacres
Wyl Villacres is a human being from the Midwest. He is the managing editor for Chicago Literati Books, a mediocre cook, and a terrible video game player. His fiction has been featured in Bartleby Snopes, the Friend. Follow. Text. anthology, Sway, and forthcoming in Whiskey Paper and Eunoia Review. His non-fiction has appeared in Time Out Chicago, Good Men Project, Hypertext, and Thought Catalog. His voice has been broadcast over microphones (when they work) at 2nd Story, Reading Under the Influence, Write Club, Two Cookie Minimum, and Silver Tongue. His graffiti has been featured in bathroom stalls, elementary school desks, and the backs of trapper keepers. His blood has been spilled on three continents, and bones broken on two.
Wyl Villacres is a PC, not a Mac.
Wyl Villacres is a narcissist and a self-deprecationist. He is the former editor of the I Feel Pretty Writers Collective e-zine and former host and coordinator for Silver Tongue Reading Series. He started a lit mag back in the day called We Feel Pretty that he promises himself he will start up again. If he could, Wyl would eat Taco Bell for every meal of the day. Every day. Wyl drinks too much caffeine.
Wyl Villacres is Latino and does not speak Spanish. He doesn’t understand why that’s always people’s first question upon finding out.
Wyl Villacres has won awards for blogging and was a staff choice for Bartleby Snopes’ 10th print edition. He used to write about politics for Examiner.com, but his spirit was crushed by politicians. His favorite beer is Old Style and his favorite flash fiction writer is Etgar Keret.
Wyl Villacres Articles
My little sister would name every dead animal that we came across. This is not how to grieve. This is not how to behave with animals.